Animal Balance
About Pine Tree
Butterfly Blog

Volume I, April 2008

Fox and Hawk

I am happy and honored to introduce two helpers sent this new
moon cycle to balance Heart and Mind. I am also happy to
announce the inaugural issue of Animal Balance Ezine as a service
to the People. I'll save the story of how I was led to the habit of
choosing an animal for Mother Earth and Father Sky each month
for another day. Suffice it to say that the more I respectfully
observe the animals, the more enriched my life becomes. It gives
our Creator one more way to speak to me through nature. As it
has helped me I offer this guidance back to you from my heart.

As you hold it close to your heart it is my hope and intention that
It will also benefit you in some way. I invite you to hear these
words and consider them as a starting point to help you balance
whatever changes you may be experiencing at this time. And if
you know  a friend who might enjoy reading them please share
as you wish.

It is said, "Life is change" and "Be the change you wish to see...."
I will add, "Let us see the change we wish to be in this World."

I now invite the representatives of Earth and Sky to speak. They
are like old friends. I couldn't imagine a better pair had I planned
it this way, but these animals are selected "at random." Mother
Earth speaks through Fox, a creature familiar with the night,
known for her clever antics and ability to go unseen observing her
environment and world conditions. Father Sky soars into view as
Hawk: Visionary, Messenger and Protector. What better way to
see the change than to invite Hawk to speak....

/\ ~*~ /\

I am Hawk! In this very active world I watch over you and I soar
to great heights to change my perspective.  I am also called the
messenger of the Ancients. I have been observing the cycles for a
long long time. I often start my day sitting on  a fence post, a
power line, telephone pole to tree. Because my prey is close to the
earth I am very attentive to each detail of the landscape.

Each movement and shift alerts me to the Presence of the One we
may call the Great Mystery. My attention to the One feeds and
sustains me through all changes. Any small creature, mouse,
rabbit or snake, may offer itself through the One source of all life
so I respect them all.

Pay attention to the details - the hints and whispers that come into
your own field of inner vision this month. In this way you will
hear the message of Spirit speak directly to you. For as Saint
Teresa of Avila said, "God is in the details."

/\ ~*~ /\

Fox, I invite you to speak...

I am here in this cycle for the Earth Mother to show you the way
of balance with brother Hawk. I am of the Earth and make my
home in the earth keeping a warm den for my family. I am her
eyes and ears silently watching you  in the night. I observe all that
is and I am here for you to show you that aspect of your Self that
is the unseen Silent Watcher.
As Hawk is the message bringer I am the message bearer, the
vessel. I am that which gives form to the formless creative Spirit. I
am active at night, dawn, and dusk patiently stalking the highest
good. Watch the silent activity of your dreams now as they bring
you new details, insights and questions. What is being activated in
your life? As it has been said, "Live your questions" allow the
answers to fall when they are ripe. Don't be like the Fox in the
story that complains of "sour grapes."

I move swiftly and change direction easily even climbing up trees
when necessary. Be flexible like that and be forgiving, first to
yourself, then to All Unconditionally.

That is all for now. Thank you for this opportunity to share the
wisdom of the Earth, the wisdom of the Grandmothers.

/\ ~*~ /\

NOTE: In Fox medicine there is stillness and awareness of the
Bigger picture: the family, the community, the World and All that
is. Any movement or action comes from an understanding of this
Unity consciousness. This message came later from Fox...

/\ ~*~ /\

It is I, fox, with a further sharing on the half moon. It is in the
small details that my guidance comes and in the careful
observation of where they fit in to the larger patterns. As the
cycles become clear I begin to learn their ways. Then I see the
precise moment to jump or pounce to catch my prey. Or I may see
when to use the knowledge gained set a clever ruse to avoid
danger. Or I may simply see that it is time to retire to my den to be
with my family.

I am the watcher of the stream of consciousness, the steady river
of thoughts that flows through us all to produce this Creation.
Take a moment now and then, even in the midst of your busy
lives to watch your thoughts. The patterns that you call "bad" are
those that bring you sorrow. But even that sorrow is a gift if you
choose to see it. Look more deeply and you will see the details
that allow you to make a new choice: A Choice of full-fill-ment, a
Choice that leads you Home. A Choice for Joy! Hawk has also
returned to help with this seeing and choosing...

/\ ~*~ /\

It is I, Hawk... a new vision is coming to the People, a new way of
seeing and perceiving. In gentle observation awareness grows and
as the clouds break apart sunlight streams in. The light gives rise
to the heart's natural love-force which ahs many names: life
energy, prana, chi, kundalini rising....

You know it as the power of creation, the lightness your heart
feels when you are in the flow of grace. I take flight from the joy of
Creation and bring a message of love to All. For I am Joy! You
may read or hear this and think "It is a nice concept." But Joy is
the essence, the pure building block of all that is. Ever new Joy is
my nature and it is Your Nature.

Humans have the gift of intelligence. Usually 999% of your
thought energy goes to blocking the Joy within. This is not "pie in
the sky when you die!" This is here and now. Watch your thought
stream as Fox has shown, in silence, and eventually you will see a
pattern and easily direct it back to your Truth which is called a
"new" Reality, thee ever-present, ever-conscious, ever-new joy of
your Birth.

/\ ~*~ /\

Again Fox Speaks...

It is well that Hawk's piercing cry of joy resounds in your heart.
But know also that even Hawk must come back to Earth to renew
and sustain himself. Once you have touched Joy, ecstasy or
Samadhi in any form you can never turn back. The creative force
begins to rise in the spine. As the coiled snake of inner Joy
awakens and unwinds its bite may be painful at times.

Your work may lose its appeal. As the gradual light brightens
your Soul certain shadows are revealed, skeletons come out to
dance. The darkness may seem even more intense. So it is with
many in the World at this time. Depression or a "dark night" is
often experienced just before the dawn.

But remember my guidance for this is my time of power. At dawn
or dusk and during the dark night I walk unseen. Remember the
saying, before or after enlightenment "chop wood, carry water."
And remember to bless the wood and water as you walk this
Earth so that even in the night the sky may clear, the moon may
rise and light your path Home.

That is all.

With Love and Respect, Pine Tree

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