Animal Balance
About Pine Tree
Butterfly Blog

Volume III, June 2008

Whale and Swan

Happy Full Moon Everyone!

Welcome to my third monthly installment of Animal Balance!!

Whether you have just joined me or you've been reading for the last
three months, I'm glad to have you here. Thanks for being a part of
this opening. I sincerely intend that it carries some benefit for
you and most of all, let's have some fun!

This is a very volatile time on planet Earth so I'm grateful to have
the balance and support of the animals and happy to have you here
to share it with. Whale and Swan have been with me for some time.
Each time I ask they respond with a slightly different story for the
present moment. This month I began first by musing to myself...

Swan, your beginning and end is in Grace, an inner condition
attuned through Trust and Surrender. Even on my worst days,
when I stop and breathe, lift my thoughts and then lay them at thy
feet, I begin to feel the Beauty within me and in all things. The
world wakes up around me and glows with a new light. A field of
infinite possibilities opens up in this place of Peace.

I bow to you Swan, and I thank You for guiding me and lighting my
path between Worlds.

I thank you for your graceful presence in my life. Do you bring a
specific message today to share?


Yes, I am here, Swan, swimming on the Crystal clear pool deep
within. Look to this place again and again. You will begin to find a
place of perpetual peace and evanescent beauty.

Outside in the world you see storms and trials, floods and
tornadoes. You read stories of greed and corruption and you have
long felt the nagging fear of loss welling up at the most unexpected
times. That is the battle inside you between Illusion and Reality: The
Illusion of separation and the Reality of Union.

This separation you feel breeds desire, a yearning for more. That is
all right. But you will never be satisfied by chasing after it. The
more you chase after Unreality the more it will fly away from you.

The Reality of Union, or Oneness, is your birthright. Since Unity
with the Creator is the basis of All you must begin with Respect for
All. How can you know your Self before you respect your Self in
All, each and every One?

You are truly the Ugly Duckling when you focus on the ugliness of
the World's illusion. But remember that the Ugly Duckling simply
has to grow up. Trust in the process by which you mature.
Surrender gradually you grip on Unreality and all will be well. You
will see a growing Clarity of vision which Reveals not only Your
own inner Beauty, but the deep and abiding beauty all around you
in each One.

Too long you have grieved over the dull and the terrible events in
the World. But the Earth, your Mother, is a creation of great Beauty
even beyond your wildest imaginings. She loves each one of you
nurturing and caring for you as you grow in Purity and Wisdom.
View Her with wonder and give her all the Respect and love you
would give an egg in your own nest just as She does for you. Bless

Thank You Swan.


Whale, faithful guardian of the Deep, you are closer even than
my hands and feet. Singing a song both unifying and unique, a
constant call. Soft and true from the ocean of primordial Life. You
carry a part of me well hidden and forgotten even by myself. Teach
me to listen deeply to the harmonies and disharmonies that play in
this Unfinished Symphony.

I will tune my instrument well, breathe in cacophony, hold a grand
pause of reflection and counterpoint, then breathe out exhaling my
own soothing melody of peace and goodwill for All to hear.


Whale is on my mind... thinking about Whale songs. The idea that
we each have a unique song is echoed in the very essence of our
being. Our "vibe' is the term coined to describe our subtle vibration-
the "feel" of who we are and what we carry with us throughout the
day. Much of our personality or vibe is deeply ingrained and holds
records of many experiences of the past. But at the same time our
vibration fluctuates with the moment, the season, our mood.

We may raise our vibration to a more Joyful state or lower it.
Likewise we are in a vast sea of vibes that are constantly flowing
over and through us; feelings that come in waves of good or bad
days, happy/sad memories, or the vibes of those around us that
may serve to uplift our thinking or leave us frazzled.

Whale, what do you have to say today?


I am Whale. I swim easily into your seas with a song of great joy.
From Joy I came, in Joy I live and in sacred joy I melt at last!

This is true of all Creation - it begins and ends in Joy. As the
Navaho night chant says, "With beauty before me I walk, with
beauty behind me I walk... it is finished in beauty, it is finished in

I carry the constant memory of Beauty and of the Truth of Joy with
underlies and overlays all Creation. This is not a "metaphysical"
truth or mere "pie in the sky when you die." This is the very real,
pure bliss at your very core just waiting to be realized. All that is
necessary is to open your eyes and ears to the song of Peace and
ever new joy. As the song says, "Who feels it knows it...."

So much fuss and drama keeps 99% of our energy blocking out the
waves of pure happiness that you may be convinced that it does not
even exist, that the drama is real. So at those times your life is dull
or worse, a terrible nightmare.

So many people are currently  engrossed in the terrible motion
picture show that you feel waves of collective grief, fear and pain
even if you are generally balanced with a solid emotional
foundation. That is all right.

Let the pain awaken a deeper understanding and it will be seen as a
growing pain. Grow in compassion for those who are lost in this
moment and you will find your own unique way, your own song of
Joy, your Soul song. Use the gift of breath to sing a song that none
have sung, a song that only you know.

In this way your life is gradually and beautifully transformed and
All Life is deeply effected. With abiding Respect and appreciation I
offer all the love and kindness from the Heart of our Mother
through my own heart for the awakening Joy.

Thank You Whale.

(I said)
One thing I am seeing in my daily mood flow is I am happier when
I am attentive to the inner queues and in silent service uplifting my
vision for the higher good. The challenge of feeling lost and isolated
creeps in when I split my mind into two fields: outer work and
inner work. My day become incongruous at that point.
Swan, do you have something to say?

Yes, I am here for you my Friend. When the mind is split, this
division brings confusion and doubt because Mind is not made to
handle more than two thoughts in one moment. Remember the
salesmen's close, "Will that be cash or check?" Both answers are a
Yes so No is pushed out. When you have 3-6 or more tasks to
perform however simple the Mind may shut down in a panic.

That is the time to calm the Mind and let go. Relax into open
hearted relaxation and acceptance of what is and allow that
everything is all right. Go back to the beginning, to the Whale
breath, and float there in the supportive sea of many possibilities.
You know there are "many fish in the sea."

Don't ever give up on Joy. Remember the story of the Swan song.
Often the most beautiful joyous vibration comes just when you are
about to give up all hope.

Thank You Swan.


Whale, do you have another message today?

Yes my Friend, I am Whale and I am here for you always. I sing as
an open hearted channel for Grace. You humans are also here to
open your hearts and allow the flow of Joy from the Great Mystery,
you already practice this at times.

Perhaps unconsciously when you begin to hum and tune your mind
is quieter, more focused and your love begins to bubble up. I
suggest you begin to use this skill. Play with it and develop it
anytime you feel called or feel a bit low.

You must listen for the call of Joy. Listen carefully and deeply
because it is often muffled under waves of restless thoughts. In fact
the call to Grace begins as feelings such as panic, doubt, anger or
Self-loathing. This distortion sounds like a paradox, but it is simply
your Soul song whispering to you a sweet guidance from you
inmost being. So listen, listen deeply  and listen again to the Sweet
Divine at Your Core. A song of Praise, Gratitude and the greatest
Respect flows to and through You from my Heart.

Thank You Whale.


Bless Bless, Pine Tree

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