Animal Balance
About Pine Tree
Butterfly Blog

Volume IV, July 2008

Mouse and Hummingbird

Happy Full Moon Everyone!

Welcome to my fourth monthly installment of Animal Balance!!!
I was just describing the feeling today to a friend as volatile and
full of potential. How are you feeling, {!firstname}? I've been
busy with all kinds of things and thoughts. It seems fitting that
two small busy creatures showed up to help keep the balance....

The tree
Sing your song
Sipping nectar from
Blossoms of Pure Joy: Hummingbird

You see
Deep into
Things that others don't
You are awake and ready: Mouse
Wow! Having typed this up I see they had to tell me over and
over to get this into my head. Thanks for being a part of this and
thanks for seeing past my typos in this raw newsletter. Let me
know your thoughts. Is it too long? Which parts set your teeth
on edge? What do you like? I imagine there will be refinements
later, but I just hope you're having as much fun as I am.


For Mother Earth we have Mouse, small creature of scrutiny and
attention. Are you here to help me through to see the bigger
picture that forms from small steps? Mouse, you visited my
compost bin last month taking your pick of overgrown lettuces
and vegetables. What was your message to me then?

Thank You for asking my Friend, I am Mouse. I bring you the
power to go deep into the subconscious, the refuse of your past
and pick only the tasty morsels, the freshest leaves, leaving the
rest to the worms to return to Mother Earth.

Take the parts of your life you feel are "wasted" and extract the
best and the highest Wisdom you are given. Then scatter or bury
the rest in the Earth to renew the soil for future growth. In this
way you will learn that nothing is truly wasted when it is given
honor and respect.

You must let go and learn from those details that your small life is
part of a much larger picture. Seeing the big cycles you won't
sweat the small stuff. My family gives their lives again and again
as food for others: snake, hawk, cat.... But I am sustained by the
indomitable power of fertility and new growth.

Find your place in the circle of life. Give thanks and rejoice at the
small gifts you receive everyday! They are part of something
much bigger!

And Hummingbird has come from Father Sky today. I hear your
high pitched voice almost every day. I see you hovering, zooming
by or sitting in the tops of trees. You appeared in the tree with
hawk when he was flying and diving at me ferociously. What
special vibration do you bring today with the hum of your wings?

Hello my Friend, I am Hummingbird who quickly comes and
goes in your life and is yet ever-present. In a word I am Joy! And I
am much more that what you think of when you say that word.

I cannot be contained or captured. But I can always be found and
felt in the gardens of beauty where I am attracted by the perfumed
blossoms of the Great Love of the Soul.

When the Grey Hawk performed his mock attacks your fear rose
up even though you knew he was not going to harm you. But
when you looked him in the eye face to face, talons bared, the
shivers went down your spine releasing the fear back into the
Earth. I appeared instantly as new Joy Humming within you!

Remember that the seemingly terrible events that sometimes come
to you or the World may also be used to release fears which have
been held so that iridescent Joy is allowed to flow quickly back
into your life. Then you may move more freely and easily in any
direction you choose. Choose Joy. Thanks you for choosing me!



An easy way of knowing if you're being too hard on yourself is
when you are noticing all the annoying faults of others. The two
go hand in hand. It's uncanny. It's not just that you notice though,
you may notice and accept people as they are or you may resist,
reject and become perturbed.

The simple remedy is Love, but it begins with acceptance of what
is. Two or three deep breaths with focus engenders acceptance
and letting go. That is all breath is in a way. It comes and goes
without trying. Watch it and learn.

The critical mind is good at making lists which can bee very
useful. Lists of lessons learned, of dos and don'ts, of flaws and
positive attributes. What we do with our list determines their

Our faults are there to help us to see in a new way. A failed
experiment tells us to use a different approach next time. If we
begin to see clearly that our faults or those of others are merely
useful information that shows us a better direction, then we see
that our very worst sources of pain and self-loathing are our
greatest gifts and guidance.

They become a treasure map that leads to a buried chest full of
gold and precious gems. All that remains is to get your shovel and
dig deeper. Mouse knows that you can always go deeper into who
you are no matter how humble and small appear. There is no limit
to your magnificence and potential.


Hummingbird, you were sitting in the highest branch of the tree
again singing. What is your lyric today? What message might be
behind the hum of your voice?

David, I have just been waiting for you to ask, to set aside your
thoughts and worries a moment and listen.

I am tiny Hummingbird! In the course of your days remember,
there is always a moment to sing and a moment to listen for
your Joy. However small the duration it is worthwhile to sit still.
Look at me always flying from flower to flower, but you see I
land in the highest place to sing my joy.

I migrate thousands of miles in a seemingly impossible feat for
one so small. So often you see me sitting at the very highest
branch of the tree. When you touch your Joy, even briefly, you
raise yourself to the highest level of vibration.

Allow that Joy into this moment and you begin to radiate love.
There is a buzz about you, a new lightness to your step. Doors
open. Possibilities abound as you remember that the Impossible
Dream you hold within IsMostPossible.

This is my message today: Sip the nectar where you find it, then
sit and Realize that tiny happiness within you which connects
you to the Infinite Possibilities. EnJoy your day Now!


The Mouse is one who falls prey to many others in the animal
kingdom. Hawk, Snake, Wolf and Cat all eat Mice. In this way
the small Mouse holds up the World in a way. Mouse is always
alert to her environment with attentive ears, eyes and nose.
Mouse, my Friend, always sniffing the air, You hold great
wisdom of observation. What is your message today?

I am Mouse, the small one. But don't underestimate my powers
of growth and survival. Thousands of us populate the Earth and
feed other creatures with our lives.

I go about my days unobserved, careful , aware of the potential
behind a rustle in the grass or a whisper in the sky above. I like
to live close to the Earth so I am glad to represent the Earth

People love to look at the small details, breaking a thing or idea
down to its parts. I can show you how small acts and
observations can add up to a greater Whole. But nitpicking over
every little detail sometimes leads to a fear which paralyzes
your ability to enjoy what is right in front of you.

So I humbly suggest that when worry and tension begins to build
stop chewing at it a moment, look into your heart and focus on
what is. You may see a bright bird in green leaves, a friend, or you
may hear a still small voice whisper to you with a reminder of the
greatest gift, the Gift of Life!

As you learn to put your attention in one place you will find many
small Joys each day that join to produce a much happier existence.
Even the memory of this Joy will sustain you through difficulties,
easing your way through many tight places. EnJoy many small
moments with family and friends and in the small space in your
own Heart.


Mouse, my Friend, you have been quietly tending to your burrow
and family. I know your quiet energy is guiding me this month.
Do you bring a message now as we approach the Full Moon?

Hello and Good Morning. I am Mouse. It is my nature to remain
quiet and cautious, alert to the dangers around me. So many
would eat me for dinner! So I am alert to the signs, sounds and
smells at all times.

I am also attentive to the Presence of Creator in all things and
every moment. She has given me the skills and senses to survive
and also to enJoy life! Joy and Happiness are not found by
searching or trying. They are right in front of you and within you
now and always.

Take a moment to look Life in the face and see what is obvious,
what is staring at you closer than your hands and feet. Take this
moment to see what is so close that you have ignored and

Count your blessings. Hug your friends and family. In you heart
you know that happiness is not found in seeking or acquiring, but
in letting go of distractions and opening in loving attention. Allow
the busy Mind to rest now in the Heart of Peace, Gratitude, Love
and Respect for All that Is in complete Surrender and Trust to the
Highest Good within You.

Thank you for listening to my still small voice.

It was beautiful to see Deer when I stood under the oak tree
yesterday and then Hummingbird came close in the trees.
Hummer, today is the Joyful Full Moon. Do you have more to

In your busy-ness in the World you can taste a new joy now. It is
well to stop and land even for a short time in the middle of the
day to open the inner vision of compassion gently gazing on your
Self with forgiveness.

Shake out the ghosts of despair and worries when you feel them
and invite Wonder to return. Then in the midst of activities you'll
feel the hum of my wings lift you into the golden green iridescent
Joy. Listen to the sound of Joy in your inner ear. Smile. And share
that vibration with others you meet. Have a Wonderful Day!

Thank You Mouse. Thank You Hummingbird.


Bless Bless, Pine Tree

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