Animal Balance
About Pine Tree
Butterfly Blog

Volume VI, Sept 2008

Beaver and Bat

It's late on the full moon and I'm happy  to present another
installment of Animal Balance. It's been quite a month so far and I
hope you find it useful in some way.

What follows are selections from my journal entries starting from
the new moon...
Thank You Animals. You have been helpful with Your Guidance. I
Wonder what Mysteries you will bring?

Mother Earth is Beaver
 Father Sky is Bat and
  Squirrel is the Child Heart

Beaver, Builder of Dreams, thank you for sharing the Wisdom you
carry. I've seen you in the River at Dusk or not seen but heard You
slap your tail on the water in warning. Once we saw an old beaver
on the river bank in broad daylight. Bless You Beaver. Come to me
now and show me the way.

Bat, You have been out every evening lately. As the days get
shorter we meet as I walk to the river. Sometimes you visit the back
yard at night when we light the torches and sit at night by the
pond with a fire burning in the chiminea. You are a Creature of the
night Sky, very comfortable with darkness. I greet You! Guide me
and teach me the Way back to Who I Really Am.

Squirrel, Child of my Heart, Gatherer, Friend of Trees. You know
when to work and when to play, You have shown me how to
gather my heart's devotion and how to share my love with others. I
Thank You. I know You are also helping me gather my thoughts
and storing them in the Earth. Small seeds sprout. Some acorns
feed you today, others forgotten, grow into solid Oaks that provide
shelter and deep connection to the Earth.

Thank You Again and Again Divine Child, Divine Golden Child of
my Heart. Awaken my Original Innocence and Purity. Make me
Simple, Humble and Forgiving. Show me the Way of Abundance
and Generosity.


Beaver, I thank you for your presence and guidance here this
month. You are a great builder of dreams. You swim in the River at
night alerting your family with the slap of your tail on the Water.
What do you have to say?

I am Beaver. I am here for You and for All to help build upon the
Dream of right relationships and co-creation. I work together easily
with my Brothers and Sisters as you once did. I fell trees and build
dams to form ponds. I am a master of flow and a master of breath.

In the flow of family life is often helps to slow the flow of your
breath and create still pools in which to reflect things as they are.
Seeing each One as they are you begin to see their Uniqueness. In
this reflection you also see yourself as You are.

What thoughts do you carry each day? Remember these thoughts
are like the trees I cut and carry. They become your Home, your
Shelter and your source of food. If a log has rotted it may be time
to find a new one to replace it now.

My home has many doors, exits and entrances that allow and
invite new ideas from the Realm of Infinite Possibilities. I Honor
You and I come to aid you in this Allowing.

From the Heart of the Earth Mother, feel and know that I Honor
Your Dream of Freedom and Peace. Know that Love Power casts
out all Doubt and Fear. I am known as the Busy Beaver always
busy in the flow of Life with Love, Gratitude for Who You Are and
Respect for Each One.


Bat, do you have some words to share?

I am Bat. By some I am seen as a symbol of death and rebirth. By
others I am seen as a symbol longevity and abundance. Still others
see me as evil or scary. But I am a sociable creature among my own
kind and I am here to help the People see through the darkness
that sometimes surrounds them.

I come out at night to eat insects or fruit. You must also face the
dark night of your seed fears by learning to navigate with Love
and Wisdom. As you gradually learn to see them for what they are
they will hold less and less power over you.

Then you will begin to see that they are like swarms of tiny insects
buzzing around you that have created a great disturbance in your
Mind well beyond their true stature. I am the only mammal that
can fly so I will show you that you too can fly. Rise above the plane
of doubt and fear on the Wings of Love Power that connect you to
All Life.


I have been watching  you Squirrel. Grey squirrels and red
squirrels are very active this month. Are you ready to speak?

Yes, I am Squirrel, your long time friend and ally. I am as happy to
be playing in the trees as to be running or digging on the ground.
In this was I help join Earth and Sky. I am here to help balance
these aspects of yourself: work and play, pleasure and pain, sorrow
and joy, grief and renewal.

I shuttle the seed messages from your subconscious mind to
conscious mind and back again. And I will lift your Thought
Higher into the superconscious. Your Spirit Naturally soars when
you are having Fun. Your Heart Sings and draws abundant Joy
from a vast reservoir of Awareness of What Is.

You can then take that seed feeling and bury it in the Earth like I do
my acorns. I easily find food during any dark season with my
excellent sense of smell. Drawing from the Infinite Abundance I
always have more than I need, enough to share and enough to give
back to our Mother Earth.

I offer this Nut of Wisdom to You with Gratitude for Who You Are,
my Friend, {!firstname}, Child of my Heart! With Boundless Love,
Peace and Harmony.


Beaver, you are quietly swimming in the  subconscious River
working and building this dream of Life. Will you come up again
and speak your Wisdom?

Yes, I am Beaver, the Doer always busy with my Creations. I am
here to represent the Mother, the One, the Sole Doer. I am also
known as the Dream Builder. You may have many dreams as
night, but when you wake they fade away very quickly leaving
only a feeling.

You know whether they were nightmares or pleasant dreams.
When the emotion is strong enough you bring back an image
perhaps into waking. I am your Ally and worker in the Dreamtime
building houses and directing activities that you may have given
up on in your life.

You may give up on your Dream, but you may not realize that the
Dream will never give up on You! It is as if the Dream has a Life of
its own. It has been given to you for the sake of All that Is. If you
have forgotten I will help you remember.

I breathe and dive deep in the river holding my breath up to 15
minutes. As you slow your breath you create space between
breaths. In that space you release tiny bubbles of Divine Joy, the
source of your true Nature. In the reflection of even the tiniest
bubble of Joy you may see your Dream.

As  you puff and expand that bubble your dream will also grow in
clarity. Remember the thoughts and desires that made your Heart
sing as a little Child? They are still with you now.

During this time of remembrance you also remember the Ones
who have gone before. In memories of the Dead you find both
Grief and Inspiration . You Feel their Loss and Full-Fillment as tow
sides of the same River.

Do not fear what may come or be discouraged, but continue to
Build your Dream All the while expanding your Bubble of Joy.
Then when you wake from this Dream of Life and your Bubble
bursts you will say, "I, a tiny bubble of laughter, have become the
sea of mirth itself."*

Make a funeral pyre of all your sorrows and concerns for this
World. Know that the Mother holds you lovingly in Her Heart now
and Always. Go in Peace.


Surely Bat with its habit of hanging upside down to sleep each day
wrapped in its own wings is an ally in developing calmness in this
topsy-turvy world. Bat will you speak?

Certainly, I am Bat, here for you always as are all the aspects of you
Self, ready to come whenever You ask. Remember to ask. Ask and
strongly demand the Presence of your allies and guides who are
here to help translate the Guidance of the One Mother Father

Often when you ask or pray for help you are in a state of weakness
or fear. I understand. That is why you need help. This is the
paradox of the present day. The law of attraction says that what
you give your attention to grows leaving many afraid to face their

You must face your fear of the darkness with Love in your Heart.
You must own your weakness to find your strength. I hang upside
down each day as I sleep so I can see each thought a new way. In
the cave of Silence I observe the shadows in calmness, then fly out
at dusk and begin to turn them around in Dreamtime.

My flight looks shaky and uncertain to your eyes, but I consume a
large number of pests each night. You too are learning to navigate
the Shadows when you send out thoughts of Love, Gratitude and
Respect for All Life. This is the way through the dark night.


I keep seeing squirrels, often with nuts, digging or sitting in trees
eating, running through the yard over the roof, through the trees
and across the fence. Squirrel I Love to see you. Guide my little
Child to the rebirth of the Heart's Love.

I am Squirrel. I appeared in the South and I am here to help
awaken your Child Heart, the Core Innocence Inside you. When
you play to connect to the Place of Wonder which I s the door to
the Great Mystery, you connect to the Heart of the Earth Mother
and as you go deeper you re-enter Her Womb.

The Mother is in labor for You. Sometimes it is painful and She
feels your pain. As She labors to give birth to Her Mystery Egg
from deep I Her Core Heart You are in a time of Rebirth. It is called
Purification time which is also a time of Death for People, Animals,
Things and Thought patterns.

As you view Death and Destruction in the World allow and know
that this allows our Mother to receive many in Her Core for
Purification and rebirth. As you walk each day you are being
shown the parts of your self that you must die to: greed, anger,
fear, guilt - all the usual suspects.

When you feel these painful feelings realize they are laboring for
your rebirth in Wonder, Innocence and Pure Joy. Hold fast to the
nut of Truth, then bury it deep within for Wisdom truly is the
greatest cleanser.


Thank You Beaver

Thank You Bat

Thank You Squirrel

Bless Bless, Pine Tree

/\ ~*~ /\

(* from the poem Samadhi by Paramahansa Yogananda)