Please join our monthly Earth Healing call to learn more about Animal Balance and how to help yourself and the Earth through direct action from the heart! Enter your name and email on the right to receive updates and dialing information as well as recording links. You’ll also receive Animal Balance journal, and other inspirational messages from the animals.

For immediate Connection and Healing listen to the call from October 15, 2011

Bring more health, prosperity and harmony to the World now by simple, instinctive, Natural methods!

Coming into greater awareness of Who We Really Are brings healing to ancestral patterns and clears the path for future generations.




Here are a couple of thoughts to ponder on your own journey. Earth Service is Earth Healing. Earth Healing is Self Healing. And Self Healing is nothing more than that re-connection to pure Joy which is the substance of all that is.

All healing is a gift of grace and it comes easily in silence. In the moment of grace you open a channel for love to flow into the World. This is the Earth Service, Earth Healing and Self-Healing that is calling to many of us.

The Earth herself as a living being is undergoing Transformation on a grand scale and we, Her children are here to help ease this transition.

Awaken the Heart’s Natural Love!

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