Your Dream is Dreaming You

Thank you Mother Beaver for your help in Building the Dream! Will you speak today?

Yes, I am Beaver, here for Earth Mother. I am known as the “busy beaver” and a “hard worker.” It is true that I am here to help you with your Dream. But you have often stopped yourself with the thought that it is too hard.

Remember that although you may give up on the Dream, the Dream will never give up on you. The Dream calls to you and waits for you to come Home.

I am an expert in managing the flow of rivers and streams of consciousness. I help bring the Unseen into the Seen World by slowing the flow of unconscious creative power and building my home there in the stillness. In the crystal clarity of the still waters of the Beaver pond you will see yourself reflected in your Truth: You are a Being of Love emanating from the Core Heart of Earth Mother.

For so long you identified with your troubles and traumas of the past that there grew a dark shadow of difficulty in the forest of the subconscious and you carried a heaviness of guilt in the conscience. Know that when you listen deeply to the voice of conscience you will hear the call of the Great Mystery.

What you call “hard” are the strong trees whose roots have held you safely on this Earth. Call on me, Beaver, and I will fell the forest of difficulties with my sharp teeth of Wisdom. These very troubles are the building blocks of your Dream Home.

As you create with me this Sacred Space you will build another World, a new Earth beyond your wildest Dreams. Remember the Dreamer who Dreams us all and give Love and Respect to All, as I do, from the Core Heart of all Life.

Thank You Beaver

(from Animal Balance Journal, you may subscribe at the right sidebar)

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