July 1, 2011 New Moon—Solar Eclipse
Ant has arrived for Earth Mother now on the new moon solar eclipse. Amazing strength and resilience along with pure intent, patience and perseverance maintain the Emotional Body of Earth and her Children in the Group consciousness.
Thank You Ma! Let us walk on the six legs of wonder, strength, fortitude, intent, patience and determination.
Moose as the Father Sky bellows a song of pure loving love for the Self and Respect for All Life. Antlers are the antennae of attention and receive the higher frequencies of Joy that realign and transmute this World. This alignment and transmutation occurs on all levels of Body and Soul, Spirit and Nature.
Father, bring forth the fruit of the Tree of Life, the pure potential of Who We Really Are!
The Mother and Father give birth to the Divine Child who awakens in us as Snake basking in the heat of the Summer Sun. Sacred serpent of the East.
Show me the way of healing that brings Peace, Harmony and True Prosperity. Magnetize the spine, fuse Body and Soul in the Grounded vibrations of ever-new, ever-conscious, ever-present Joy!
Rise from the root in an upward spiral! Awaken the Blue-Green Dragon within that radiates outward from the pure awareness of the Core Heart of Earth Mother impregnated with the Natural Love of the All protecting Father. Let us feel the Truth “As above, so below,” and live the Truth “As within, so without.”
Thank You Ant, Moose Snake
July 6, 2011
Ant is the representative of Mother Earth this month. A strength and determination of unbounded proportion is released to aid the People as our feeling expands and begins to merge with the unified field of consciousness. Group mind touches the Core Heart beginning a cycle of profound change.
Family, friends and community bring both extreme challenges and amazing opportunities as we see ourselves and our patterns reflected more clearly in the present moment. What was thought lost is now found. What was swept under the rug is sometimes blown up in our faces. It is time for the Core purification…
Breathing the Whale breath I am Connected. I am Magnetic. I move easily into direct action, I speak my Truth and I let go, allowing the flow of Grace.
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