David Wodtke

Coyote and the Power of Laughter

I am thankful for laughter, except when milk comes out of my nose.
~Woody Allen

Coyote, You are here for me my Friend, coaxing the Golden Child to
come out and play. You are the trickster and the straight man: The
Wise Fool… Yes, “the fool on the hill sees the sun going down and
the eyes in his head see the world spinning round.”

Round and round you go Coyote, like the Grouse dance, making the
same blunders and having a good laugh over it. Wiley Coyote
chasing the Roadrunner carefully sets his trap but winds up flattened
by his own anvil. Ha Ha Ha!

And he miraculously gets right back up to do it again. Coyote, I feel
your Presence here now in Silent Laughter. Thank you for your
guidance. I am open and relaxed. Will you share your Wisdom at
this time?

Yes, I am Coyote, the Medicine Dog, come to help awaken the Child
in each One. Many times you wind up flat on your face in failure as I
do. Yet I am still here. In fact, my Clan has multiplied in great
numbers because we get back up, dust ourselves off and keep on
keeping on.

I have another gift for you now. It is the gift of collaboration. I work
together with other members of my Clan when seeking my prey. In
this way we all are well fed. You will do well with this medicine now
as Earth Mother labors in transition to the New World.

Come together with Friends, Families and Groups to support one
another and manifest that which you can Imagine of Peace,
Harmony, and Prosperity.

Will you fall flat on your face? Of course! I will be there to laugh
with you and pick you back up. You see, in this World you have
created war, anxiety and poverty which seem to multiply daily.

Remember Coyote Medicine when you begin to feel anxious or
afraid. Remember that everything is all right in the end. Learn to
laugh at yourself as I do and learn to work in harmony with those
around you. Laughter is a key to break the tension and bring you
back to your Heart’s Natural Love.

And when you fail remember that all Wisdom comes from Failure.
Jump recklessly into the Heart of your worst fear or failure. Find the
Wisdom lesson it holds, then laugh again and again. That is why my
stories are so often retold. Often failure is the best medicine and it is
very instructive.

It is truly hilarious how well You hide your treasures right within
yourself, in front of your own nose, afraid to use them. Fear itself can
be a gift if you choose to use it as such.

Be awake and ready! I have many tricks up my sleeve and I am
feeling playful! A great saint once said, “A tiny bubble of laughter I,
am become the sea of mirth itself.”

With Smiles from the Core Heart I, Coyote, leave you in the Sea of

Thank You Coyote!

Father Crow Speaks

I see and believe that I am ready, willing and able to make a quantum leap of consciousness. I am Self-Aware. I am a Child of God, a spark from the Infinite Source of Life. I am omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent. I am constantly aware and connected to my Core Heart. From my love I share the essence of my Soul Nature and invite One and All to join me in perfect health, infinite abundance and well-being.


Yes, I am Crow. I feed on the ground. In this way I demonstrate the energy by which you may ground the Spirit within you. Connect to the nurturing life energy from the Mother under your feet. Pause and feel the pull of gravity which draws all life back to the center.

I feed on the ground, and then carry the sustenance with me as I soar and dive in the air or stand vigilant on the power lines outside your house. I know the Source of my power which is the Source of All Power. Once you connect to this Source and feel it moving in every cell, in your belly, in your heart and up to your brain your Spirit will begin to soar in free flight and your mind will serve you as a vigilant sentinel of awareness. Respect All Land and Life, for Land is Life.

Father Crow Speaks

I see and believe that I am ready, willing and able to make a quantum leap of consciousness. I am Self-Aware. I am a Child of God, a spark from the Infinite Source of Life. I am omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent. I am constantly aware and connected to my Core Heart. From my love I share the essence of my Soul Nature and invite One and All to join me in perfect health, infinite abundance and well-being.


Yes, I am Crow. I feed on the ground. In this way I demonstrate the energy by which you may ground the Spirit within you. Connect to the nurturing life energy from the Mother under your feet. Pause and feel the pull of gravity which draws all life back to the center.

I feed on the ground, and then carry the sustenance with me as I soar and dive in the air or stand vigilant on the power lines outside your house. I know the Source of my power which is the Source of All Power. Once you connect to this Source and feel it moving in every cell, in your belly, in your heart and up to your brain your Spirit will begin to soar in free flight and your mind will serve you as a vigilant sentinel of awareness. Respect All Land and Life, for Land is Life.

Three Eagles

Rise above and keep moving are strong themes in life at this time.

Bald Eagle came in from the North, landed then flew back North again. A young Eagle was flying North low along the beach as he passed over my head. Another Eagle flew in front of the Heron Rookery going upstream over the river headed South.

The Young One is heading toward the place of the Ancient Ones, the Wisdom keepers. The Ancient One came in, landed, then returned. It signifies an act of acknowledgement and reassurance that the immature and often restless mind is heading in the right direction. The life path is unfolding impeccably in accordance with the Higher Will of the blessed One.

Eagle says, “You know well the Path you are on. Even the doubts and despair, the raucous feelings of disharmony are guidance for You Now. For in the path of the Gatekeeper, in the path of Oneness, there are many challenges along with extraordinary delights! There are demons to face and dragons to slay as well as mischievous wood-elves and Wizards of love. There is the monkey boy chattering in the background of your mind, but in the final chapter he is revealed as the Monkey God, the benevolent One.

Indeed, the Gatekeeper’s only duties are to open the door of the Core Heart, to draw up the drawbridge of the Mind when it is time to withdraw attention from the world of sense distraction and to keep a candle burning in the gate house. Those walking the path of the interior castle will come of their own free will and the Gatekeeper will know them, having walked the path himself.

Keep moving! Keep on keeping on. You are Much Loved and Appreciated with deep Respect both for your Uniqueness and Your Oneness with All Land and Life."

Three Eagles

Rise above and keep moving are strong themes in life at this time.

Bald Eagle came in from the North, landed then flew back North again. A young Eagle was flying North low along the beach as he passed over my head. Another Eagle flew in front of the Heron Rookery going upstream over the river headed South.

The Young One is heading toward the place of the Ancient Ones, the Wisdom keepers. The Ancient One came in, landed, then returned. It signifies an act of acknowledgement and reassurance that the immature and often restless mind is heading in the right direction. The life path is unfolding impeccably in accordance with the Higher Will of the blessed One.

Eagle says, “You know well the Path you are on. Even the doubts and despair, the raucous feelings of disharmony are guidance for You Now. For in the path of the Gatekeeper, in the path of Oneness, there are many challenges along with extraordinary delights! There are demons to face and dragons to slay as well as mischievous wood-elves and Wizards of love. There is the monkey boy chattering in the background of your mind, but in the final chapter he is revealed as the Monkey God, the benevolent One.

Indeed, the Gatekeeper’s only duties are to open the door of the Core Heart, to draw up the drawbridge of the Mind when it is time to withdraw attention from the world of sense distraction and to keep a candle burning in the gate house. Those walking the path of the interior castle will come of their own free will and the Gatekeeper will know them, having walked the path himself.

Keep moving! Keep on keeping on. You are Much Loved and Appreciated with deep Respect both for your Uniqueness and Your Oneness with All Land and Life."

Awaken the Heart’s Natural Love!

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