David Wodtke

Flicker’s Message of Healing Growth

Flicker is here on the roof – for the 2nd time in two days. Bounding love is arriving. Flicker? Will you speak?

Yes, I am Flicker, totem of the Summer solstice. This is a time of high frequency, high energy infusion. A new light shines on the People. It is like the early light shining on the field at dawn that accentuates the Shadows. As you receive the energy of a new awakening you feel yourself bask in its warmth and wonder, then you run from the light.

Part of you prefers the darkness which is familiar. This light exposes you, so naturally your first reaction is to feel naked and afraid. Behind this reaction is the gift of revolution and rebirth.

I am Flicker! I bring forward the rhythm of healing love, creation and new growth. As you open to receive the new creative power of these Purification times you must embrace the darkness which is the gestation and origin of change. If you feel exposed and naked as a child invite the Innocence and Wonder to return.

The new moon – black crescent on my chest symbolizes the void in the heart of the People, the emptiness, isolation and secret fear of aloneness. Dive deeper into your emptiness and you will see that alone really is All One. The new moon is the darkest time and the beginning of new light.

The song says, “Who tells me Thou art dark? O My Mother Divine, thousands of suns and moons through Thy body do shine!”

As this new light returns remember always to come back to the earth. stay grounded and enter the silence again and again. Give Thanks! I offer all my Love and Respect to You and All Oneness.


Bliss Body, Beauty Body, Soul Bliss, Life Belonging. Source of Beauty: Bliss Self, Belonging in Society. Flicker was at the bird feeder this morning and I didn’t notice until he was flying away. Flicker says…

It is often so. When new energy of healing growth comes into your life as love and upliftment it is often taken for granted to such an extent that you don’t consciously notice until it flies away from you. That’s why Presence is so important, and appreciation. Your Bliss will sometimes fly away temporarily during life’s evolution, but it returns soon when gratitude is offered.

Thank You Flicker


It’s morning

looking out
the window
move casually
in shadowed light


Flicker showed up again not 10 feet away on my roof, the flew to the Cherry Tree. It is time to start writing the tree series I hear. Flicker, three times you have come to visit face to face, many more times calling from a distance What do you have to say today?

Hello, I am Flicker. In life’s uncertainties you thrive on routine, a regular rhythm of growth. The steady expansion and contraction of the lungs is the thread of breath that connects body/mind and spirit. You honor commitment, consistency and simplicity, but you fear the loss of spontaneity and autonomy.

It is just the nature and rhythm of contraction and expansion. Commitment must come from your presence and connection in the Core Heart in this moment. Any future commitment is a fantasy. Any outer commitment is oppression.

Fly into the Core Heart! I landed on the trunk of the cherry tree, then flew to the branches. You must connect to the Core Heart of the Earth, then you may choose any branch of activity you feel drawn to. Once the choice is made you must let go.

The loss of letting go into the devotion of your Heart Core is felt as Freedom. In this new found freedom of letting go You find the Simplicity of Love and Respect for All Life. And your gratitude becomes a boundless Bliss.

Flicker’s Message of Healing Growth

Flicker is here on the roof – for the 2nd time in two days. Bounding love is arriving. Flicker? Will you speak?

Yes, I am Flicker, totem of the Summer solstice. This is a time of high frequency, high energy infusion. A new light shines on the People. It is like the early light shining on the field at dawn that accentuates the Shadows. As you receive the energy of a new awakening you feel yourself bask in its warmth and wonder, then you run from the light.

Part of you prefers the darkness which is familiar. This light exposes you, so naturally your first reaction is to feel naked and afraid. Behind this reaction is the gift of revolution and rebirth.

I am Flicker! I bring forward the rhythm of healing love, creation and new growth. As you open to receive the new creative power of these Purification times you must embrace the darkness which is the gestation and origin of change. If you feel exposed and naked as a child invite the Innocence and Wonder to return.

The new moon – black crescent on my chest symbolizes the void in the heart of the People, the emptiness, isolation and secret fear of aloneness. Dive deeper into your emptiness and you will see that alone really is All One. The new moon is the darkest time and the beginning of new light.

The song says, “Who tells me Thou art dark? O My Mother Divine, thousands of suns and moons through Thy body do shine!”

As this new light returns remember always to come back to the earth. stay grounded and enter the silence again and again. Give Thanks! I offer all my Love and Respect to You and All Oneness.


Bliss Body, Beauty Body, Soul Bliss, Life Belonging. Source of Beauty: Bliss Self, Belonging in Society. Flicker was at the bird feeder this morning and I didn’t notice until he was flying away. Flicker says…

It is often so. When new energy of healing growth comes into your life as love and upliftment it is often taken for granted to such an extent that you don’t consciously notice until it flies away from you. That’s why Presence is so important, and appreciation. Your Bliss will sometimes fly away temporarily during life’s evolution, but it returns soon when gratitude is offered.

Thank You Flicker


It’s morning

looking out
the window
move casually
in shadowed light


Flicker showed up again not 10 feet away on my roof, the flew to the Cherry Tree. It is time to start writing the tree series I hear. Flicker, three times you have come to visit face to face, many more times calling from a distance What do you have to say today?

Hello, I am Flicker. In life’s uncertainties you thrive on routine, a regular rhythm of growth. The steady expansion and contraction of the lungs is the thread of breath that connects body/mind and spirit. You honor commitment, consistency and simplicity, but you fear the loss of spontaneity and autonomy.

It is just the nature and rhythm of contraction and expansion. Commitment must come from your presence and connection in the Core Heart in this moment. Any future commitment is a fantasy. Any outer commitment is oppression.

Fly into the Core Heart! I landed on the trunk of the cherry tree, then flew to the branches. You must connect to the Core Heart of the Earth, then you may choose any branch of activity you feel drawn to. Once the choice is made you must let go.

The loss of letting go into the devotion of your Heart Core is felt as Freedom. In this new found freedom of letting go You find the Simplicity of Love and Respect for All Life. And your gratitude becomes a boundless Bliss.

Moving On

Where does the urge come from? A drop of inspiration...
a faint glow in the mist... the sound of a distant flute...
What can inspire us to move forward?

Is it failure that drives success? Or loss that allows us
to become whole? Is it dissatisfaction that helps us feel
peace - discord pointing the way to harmony?

There comes a time when yearnings lead to change - a time
when attachments to the old familiar reality must be cast
aside. What we thought real and permanent is shattered as
we walk into the abyss. At this time - the first step -
the earth moves, disappears and one foot is suspended in air.
Loss is great and liberating. We become homeless wanderers.

Many of us are ambivalent about change. Even when our present
conditions do not suit us we often cling to what is familiar.
We may be enslaved by the power of habit, behaving and
thinking in ways that don't help us follow the highest light
we have. It may even be that periodic visions of our real
purpose are seen and felt, but our power to move in that
direction falters in the face of the unknown changes that lie
on the road ahead. It has been said that greater even than
the struggle between good and evil is the raging battle
between freedom and security.

Striving for security is a natural instinct. We all want to
feel the fullness of abundance. But it is all too often the
case that the search for material, emotional, or even
spiritual security becomes the death of freedom. Many steady
jobs are felt as a prison by the gainfully employed.
Relationships based mainly on the need for security become
endangered if the individuals don't feel the freedom to grow
and change in a natural way. Many creeds and religions,
though perhaps established in the name of spiritually
liberated beings, find their places of worship filled with
"seekers" who forget to look through their own eyes and
listen with their own ears - lost in vacant dogma - ensnared
by tradition or technique.

There is a hollow place inside that wants to be filled. From
that dark place a silently whispering voice urges us to move
toward the freedom which is our birthright. As we learn to
become quieter and more receptive to that voice it will give
us all the guidance needed to move on. It gives direction.
Few of us would give up everything; our job, family and
spiritual tradition, in the quest for freedom. That kind of
renunciation would probably do more harm than good anyway.
But a more subtle inner renunciation is needed before we can
make the transition from darkness to light. Prepared to give
up anything that does not serve our highest good, a new peace
and freedom is experienced. Little by little the voice of
intuition is heard as truth speaking to the heart through
lips of conscience.

We can try to plan our lives for smooth transitions, but
often they seem to be thrust upon us with little or no
warning. There is a point of transition in childbirth when
the mother is about to push the child out into the world.
She will no longer be "expecting" but will be fully absorbed
in motherhood. The baby makes the leap from a dark inner
world completely protected, connected to her mother, to a
bright outer world of separation and change. Transition is a
painful experience with great opportunities for growth and
awareness of new things. At birth each of us breathed a
first breath into our tiny frail body, maybe crying out,
before embarking on the path of change called life. Each
new change can be greeted with innocence and acceptance if
we will allow it.

David Wodtke circa 2000

Moving On

Where does the urge come from? A drop of inspiration...
a faint glow in the mist... the sound of a distant flute...
What can inspire us to move forward?

Is it failure that drives success? Or loss that allows us
to become whole? Is it dissatisfaction that helps us feel
peace - discord pointing the way to harmony?

There comes a time when yearnings lead to change - a time
when attachments to the old familiar reality must be cast
aside. What we thought real and permanent is shattered as
we walk into the abyss. At this time - the first step -
the earth moves, disappears and one foot is suspended in air.
Loss is great and liberating. We become homeless wanderers.

Many of us are ambivalent about change. Even when our present
conditions do not suit us we often cling to what is familiar.
We may be enslaved by the power of habit, behaving and
thinking in ways that don't help us follow the highest light
we have. It may even be that periodic visions of our real
purpose are seen and felt, but our power to move in that
direction falters in the face of the unknown changes that lie
on the road ahead. It has been said that greater even than
the struggle between good and evil is the raging battle
between freedom and security.

Striving for security is a natural instinct. We all want to
feel the fullness of abundance. But it is all too often the
case that the search for material, emotional, or even
spiritual security becomes the death of freedom. Many steady
jobs are felt as a prison by the gainfully employed.
Relationships based mainly on the need for security become
endangered if the individuals don't feel the freedom to grow
and change in a natural way. Many creeds and religions,
though perhaps established in the name of spiritually
liberated beings, find their places of worship filled with
"seekers" who forget to look through their own eyes and
listen with their own ears - lost in vacant dogma - ensnared
by tradition or technique.

There is a hollow place inside that wants to be filled. From
that dark place a silently whispering voice urges us to move
toward the freedom which is our birthright. As we learn to
become quieter and more receptive to that voice it will give
us all the guidance needed to move on. It gives direction.
Few of us would give up everything; our job, family and
spiritual tradition, in the quest for freedom. That kind of
renunciation would probably do more harm than good anyway.
But a more subtle inner renunciation is needed before we can
make the transition from darkness to light. Prepared to give
up anything that does not serve our highest good, a new peace
and freedom is experienced. Little by little the voice of
intuition is heard as truth speaking to the heart through
lips of conscience.

We can try to plan our lives for smooth transitions, but
often they seem to be thrust upon us with little or no
warning. There is a point of transition in childbirth when
the mother is about to push the child out into the world.
She will no longer be "expecting" but will be fully absorbed
in motherhood. The baby makes the leap from a dark inner
world completely protected, connected to her mother, to a
bright outer world of separation and change. Transition is a
painful experience with great opportunities for growth and
awareness of new things. At birth each of us breathed a
first breath into our tiny frail body, maybe crying out,
before embarking on the path of change called life. Each
new change can be greeted with innocence and acceptance if
we will allow it.

David Wodtke circa 2000

The Gatekeeper of Oneness

“You are the gatekeeper”

I heard these words on day in meditation, but what could they mean? I am not accustomed to hearing or seeing much of anything in meditation. At best I feel a tingling sensation or a feeling of peace. At worst I feel only the numberless distractions of the body and mind: tension, an itch, a muscle pain, or thoughts from the day before, or what’s for lunch.

Why would these enigmatic words suddenly pop into my head? I began a contemplation of the gatekeeper. And I discovered that we all may be gatekeepers.

A gatekeeper lives on the border, watches the gate and holds the keys that allow the doors to be opened so that others may pass through. I’ve always loved the borders, the fringes of thought where seemingly different ideas find something in common. We find these places of commonality between things like music and mathematics, science and religion, nature and spirit, or anything else if we look deeply enough.

The more deeply we look within the more we experience unity as we feel the interconnectedness of all things, the Oneness. Oneness is an eternal infinite space which by definition contains everything. The very definition lacks definition since it can never be held or described fully by the mind. It is a fearful place for the mind which makes its way by division and identification with the parts.

Oneness is fearful for the mind because we stand on the edge of an abyss afraid of the loss of our small self. So the mind has created walls more substantial and enduring than the Great Wall of China to protect us from the abyss of the unknown.

As our souls descended into the myth of separation a whole series of walls were built inside of us to allow us to experience the layers of our individuality. But these walls were not meant to trap us in separation and aloneness. Each wall was installed with a door, a gateway, and a set of keys is always available to the gatekeeper who silently waits and watches those who approach the infinite, the Great Mystery of Creation.

Those who become acquainted with the gatekeeper will begin one by one to unlock the inner doors of wonder and innocence which lead by gradual steps back to the place of Oneness. In the loving heart of Oneness nothing is lost, not even the sense of individuality so highly prized by the little mind.

Awaken the Heart’s Natural Love!

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