Squirrel Speaks of Releasing the Wound

A squirrel came to the back yard with a fatal wound—barely jumping from the roof to a branch of the Cherry Tree, clinging there then moving a little further down the branch—in shock from an accident I suppose.

My friend, Squirrel, you came to say goodbye. I saw your last leap and though you barely held on you did not fall, but managed eventually to climb down the trunk to the ground before your death transition back to Mother Earth, the release from pain and suffering. So I honored this as your last wish, your instinct to be buried under that tree. Your body is now nourishment for her roots washed in heavy rain. Tree of Life, the sacred spiral takes you in.

Squirrel, will you speak?

Yes, I am Squirrel, singing a song for you and all of Earth’s Children from deep in the Core Heart of Mother/Father. My wordless song is a story and a reminder of both the beauty of life and impermanence. Thank you for honoring my body by offering it back to our Mother. Inside, deep inside your inner knowing you feel that what you did for me you did for yourself and for All Life. This is the foundation of Oneness, the unity consciousness which leads to Peace and Harmony.

As I walk my path on the good Blue Road of Spirit I offer you this message of hope for the world and for All that Is. My difficult passage from the roof top to the tree across the branch with guts hanging out is a symbol of woundedness and grief that is felt by humankind and held in the gut. It can be a gnawing empty feeling or a screaming rage. Who feels it knows it.

I am Squirrel, the gatherer who has helped you collect the seeds of the Heart’s Natural Love. That is the perpetual power that carried me across the branch, back to the Tree and down again to Earth. Having given my All I return to the Earth as you will also. Now I am with You in the Core Heart. Give back all your grief and pain and re-connect to the Tree of Life.

Feel the roots of life restore and rebirth You in the Core Heart and You will walk in Balance and Freedom again. With all my Love from the Animals, Plants and Stones, Thanks for listening with an open heart and Respect for All Life.

Feeling the Power of Creation: Expanding the Light in 2011

Written January 4, 2011

(This is the intro to Animal Balance Journal volume 35, Click here to read the full ezine. Please sign up on the right to receive the complete animal messages.)

Happy New Moon, New Year, New Day and New World!

There is a new feeling in the air and in my body/mind as I look out at the grey sky and bare trees of Corvallis, Oregon. I can feel the change in my heart and mind as a conscious choice of loving intent takes root in humanity from a deeper place of soul communion.

Mother, Father, Beloved Child, this human family has walked in darkness for a long time, but we are now ready, willing and able to emerge in to a New World of our Dreams for the highest good of All.

Earth Mother is Dragonfly, symbol of emergence from the shadowy depths of victim consciousness into the pure air and light of freedom from the illusion of separation into Oneness. This is enhanced by a conscious choice of beauty which is an invitation to our pure presence.

Whale as the Heavenly Father dives deep into the ocean of life in a circular motion gradually raising awareness from a subconscious involutionary urge to a superconscious state of BEE-ing Present with the evolutionary and revolutionary changes within us and all around us.

Knowing, Knower, Known as One.

In Oneness I am that I am.

I am not the mind or ego thoughts and feelings. Yet I experience them in this life and see the results of fear and selfishness along with a glowing radiance of love and selflessness.

Grandmother Spider connects the Child in you to the One Heart at the Core of Creation. Come back to the Core Heart. Feel your place at the center of Life’s web. Follow this thread again and again into the land of luminescent Dreams. Come back to Life and you will help to wake the walking dead.

Feeling the Power of Creation: Expanding the Light in 2011

Written January 4, 2011

(This is the intro to Animal Balance Journal volume 35, Click here to read the full ezine. Please sign up on the right to receive the complete animal messages.)

Happy New Moon, New Year, New Day and New World!

There is a new feeling in the air and in my body/mind as I look out at the grey sky and bare trees of Corvallis, Oregon. I can feel the change in my heart and mind as a conscious choice of loving intent takes root in humanity from a deeper place of soul communion.

Mother, Father, Beloved Child, this human family has walked in darkness for a long time, but we are now ready, willing and able to emerge in to a New World of our Dreams for the highest good of All.

Earth Mother is Dragonfly, symbol of emergence from the shadowy depths of victim consciousness into the pure air and light of freedom from the illusion of separation into Oneness. This is enhanced by a conscious choice of beauty which is an invitation to our pure presence.

Whale as the Heavenly Father dives deep into the ocean of life in a circular motion gradually raising awareness from a subconscious involutionary urge to a superconscious state of BEE-ing Present with the evolutionary and revolutionary changes within us and all around us.

Knowing, Knower, Known as One.

In Oneness I am that I am.

I am not the mind or ego thoughts and feelings. Yet I experience them in this life and see the results of fear and selfishness along with a glowing radiance of love and selflessness.

Grandmother Spider connects the Child in you to the One Heart at the Core of Creation. Come back to the Core Heart. Feel your place at the center of Life’s web. Follow this thread again and again into the land of luminescent Dreams. Come back to Life and you will help to wake the walking dead.

Feeling the Power of Creation: Expanding the Light in 2011

Written January 4, 2011

(This is the intro to Animal Balance Journal volume 35, Click here to read the full ezine. Please sign up on the right to receive the complete animal messages.)

Happy New Moon, New Year, New Day and New World!

There is a new feeling in the air and in my body/mind as I look out at the grey sky and bare trees of Corvallis, Oregon. I can feel the change in my heart and mind as a conscious choice of loving intent takes root in humanity from a deeper place of soul communion.

Mother, Father, Beloved Child, this human family has walked in darkness for a long time, but we are now ready, willing and able to emerge in to a New World of our Dreams for the highest good of All.

Earth Mother is Dragonfly, symbol of emergence from the shadowy depths of victim consciousness into the pure air and light of freedom from the illusion of separation into Oneness. This is enhanced by a conscious choice of beauty which is an invitation to our pure presence.

Whale as the Heavenly Father dives deep into the ocean of life in a circular motion gradually raising awareness from a subconscious involutionary urge to a superconscious state of BEE-ing Present with the evolutionary and revolutionary changes within us and all around us.

Knowing, Knower, Known as One.

In Oneness I am that I am.

I am not the mind or ego thoughts and feelings. Yet I experience them in this life and see the results of fear and selfishness along with a glowing radiance of love and selflessness.

Grandmother Spider connects the Child in you to the One Heart at the Core of Creation. Come back to the Core Heart. Feel your place at the center of Life’s web. Follow this thread again and again into the land of luminescent Dreams. Come back to Life and you will help to wake the walking dead.

We are all Gatekeepers of Oneness

Practicing the Presence is the practice of being present with your inner and outer environment. By the practice of silent observation we can use the senses which are usually directed outward to turn inward.

It is important to honor the inner Creator with plenty of silence and solitude. It is also important to respect my wife, friends and companions when I feel their pain affecting me, to be present. Being really present is to open to all experience and see all of life’s energy as a gift from the Creator.

From the solid physical existence to consciousness of thoughts and feelings to subtle perceptions, all these are gifts and signals of how truth is manifesting through our lives.

The painful and uncomfortable experiences signal a blockage of self-denial or ignorance. We are ignoring something of our true status as a Divine Child of unlimited power. But these blockages that present as physical or emotional pain, numbness or self-doubt are only temporary. In fact they are essentially nonexistent from the standpoint of Oneness and higher truth.

These “blocks” are the necessary building blocks of the finite world in which one infinite being plays the roles of many. The illusion of separation is maintained by the great multitude of temporary blockages. But a barrier which moves is usually known as a gate or doorway to a path not taken.

That is why it is so important to remain present with any form of pain or disquietude. We’re not meant to dwell on the wounds or stuck feelings, but to embrace these shadows in the higher frequency of Oneness, inviting and allowing the universal power which is our natural love from the core heart of our being to be present.

With patience all blockages dissolve. Knock and all doors will open as portals to the infinite potential. All problems are seen as opportunities when we accept our place as gatekeepers of Oneness.

Awaken the Heart’s Natural Love!

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