Written January 4, 2011
(This is the intro to Animal Balance Journal volume 35,
Click here to read the full ezine. Please sign up on the right to receive the complete animal messages.)
Happy New Moon, New Year, New Day and New World!
There is a new feeling in the air and in my body/mind as I look out at the grey sky and bare trees of Corvallis, Oregon. I can feel the change in my heart and mind as a conscious choice of loving intent takes root in humanity from a deeper place of soul communion.
Mother, Father, Beloved Child, this human family has walked in darkness for a long time, but we are now ready, willing and able to emerge in to a New World of our Dreams for the highest good of All.
Earth Mother is Dragonfly, symbol of emergence from the shadowy depths of victim consciousness into the pure air and light of freedom from the illusion of separation into Oneness. This is enhanced by a conscious choice of beauty which is an invitation to our pure presence.
Whale as the Heavenly Father dives deep into the ocean of life in a circular motion gradually raising awareness from a subconscious involutionary urge to a superconscious state of BEE-ing Present with the evolutionary and revolutionary changes within us and all around us.
Knowing, Knower, Known as One.
In Oneness I am that I am.
I am not the mind or ego thoughts and feelings. Yet I experience them in this life and see the results of fear and selfishness along with a glowing radiance of love and selflessness.
Grandmother Spider connects the Child in you to the One Heart at the Core of Creation. Come back to the Core Heart. Feel your place at the center of Life’s web. Follow this thread again and again into the land of luminescent Dreams. Come back to Life and you will help to wake the walking dead.